EyeOS contoh nyata cloud computing dimana data dan aplikasi bisa diakses darimana saja, baik itu lewat komputer, mobile device dan perangkat lainnya. Dulu EyeOS ini sempat diragukan oleh beberapa kalangan di Indonesia. Dimana waktu Net Surfer berkenalan dengan EyeOS beberapa tahun lalu. Dan tetap berkembang pesat sampai sekarang.
Maincore enginenya ditulis dengan PHP, XML, and JavaScript. Dan sudah dijadikan sebuah platform framework dengan nama eyeOS Toolkit. EyeOS sendiri dibuat seperti sebuah sistem operasi desktop layaknya Windows, Mac ataupun Linux dengan 67 aplikasi dasar.
EyeOS pertama kali diperkenalkan pada 1 Agustus 2005 dengan versi publik 0.6.0. Dan langsung melejit dan dijadikan sebagai sebuah tonggak dasar konsep operating sistem di web. Banyak kalangan dari berbagai komunitas bergabung didalmnya dengan membantu meningkatkan fitur translate, testing dan developingnya
Berikut beberapa kutipan tentang sejarah EyeOS dari situs Wikipedia:
After two years of development, the eyeOS Team published eyeOS 1.0 (on June 4, 2007). Compared with previous versions, eyeOS 1.0 introduced a complete reorganization of the code and some new web technologies, like eyeSoft, a portage-based web software installation system. Moreover, eyeOS also included the eyeOS Toolkit, a set of libraries allowing easy and fast development of new web Applications.
With the release of eyeOS 1.1 on July 2, 2007, eyeOS changed its license and migrated from GNU GPL Version 2 to Version 3.
Version 1.2 was released just a few months after the 1.1 version and integrated full compatibility with Microsoft Word files.
eyeOS 1.5 Gala was released on January 15, 2008. This version is the first to support both Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org file formats for documents, presentations and spreadsheets. It also has the ability to import and export documents in both formats using server side scripting.
eyeOS 1.6 was released on April 25, 2008 and included many improvements such as synchronization with local computers, drag and drop, a mobile version and more.
eyeOS 1.8 Lars was released on January 7, 2009 and featured a completely rewritten file manager and a new sound API to develop media rich applications. Later, on April 1, 2009 1.8.5 was released with a new default theme and some rewritten apps such as the Word Processor or the Address Book.
Bagi yang ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang Structure dan API EyeOS berikut kutipan dari Wikipedia:
For developers, eyeOS provides the eyeOS Toolkit, a set of libraries and functions to develop applications for eyeOS. Using the integrated Portage-based eyeSoft system, one can create their own repository for eyeOS and distribute applications through it.
Each core part of the desktop is its own application, using javascript to send server commands as the user interacts. As actions are performed using ajax (such as launching an application), it sends event information to the server. The server then sends back tasks for the client to do in XML format, such as drawing a widget.
On the server, eyeOS uses XML files to store information. This makes it simple for a user to set up on the server, as it requires zero configuration other than the account information for the first user, making it simple to deploy. To avoid bottlenecks that flat files present, each user's information and settings are stored in different files, preventing resource starvation from occurring.
Ingin mencoba langsung bagaimana aksi sistem operasi under web ini, silahkan daftarkan diri di http://www.eyeos.info. Anda akan mendapatkan akun gratis untuk mencoba aplikasi ini sekaligus sebuah storage online :P
Mudah-mudahan berguna.... lebih lanjut kunjungi http://www.eyeos.org
NB: Eyeos bisa kita bawa ke lokal! Bagaimana caranya? Ikuti ulasan selanjutnya... :)
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